
A Lifetime of Music, Travel, and Writing, and I Finally Worked My Way Up to the Internet

I’ve been having a lot of fun these past fifty-odd years. I’ve busked and bicycled through more places I can count, taught music and caught dengue fever, managed a band that toured all over North America and I’ve worked with Canada’s National Orchestra for two decades. I’ve traveled countless miles to see a thousand concerts, played hundreds of gigs, won in Vegas and lost in Estonia, worked as a concert promoter, university instructor, janitor, and entertainment writer, seen the Grateful Dead and hiked the Dogon Valley, ran up the stairs of the CN Tower and pedalled across Scandinavia once and Newfoundland twice. I’ve visited the graves of Alexander the Great and the great Robert Johnson, drunk excessively with some of the best and worst people you can imagine, and I’ve slept in some very, very weird places. Several years ago I started writing some of it down, and every day I add a little bit more of it here for your perusal.