011020 Jamcruise IV

Somehow it took until day four of Jamcruise for me to find the inevitable omelet station among the ship’s large and varied 24-hour buffet. I knew they had to have one but it was tucked way back in the corner of the cafeteria, well past the piles of croissants and cheese that would generally take all of my morning attention and appetite. Ironically, though I found the omelet station…

011120 Jamcruise V

January 11th, 2020 was the fifth and final day of the luxury sea-cruise of groove that is Jamcruise, and with a rare full sleep under my belt I tried to make the most of it. I started the day with a little yin-yang: a workout up in the gym followed by an hour munching on croissants and cheese in the cafeteria. It’s all about balance…

010820 Jamcruise II

On January 8th, 2020 I woke up at 9am and was already exhausted. It was day two of Jamcruise and I had been completely, utterly spent when I crawled into my bunk a mere 4.5 hours earlier. I needed much, much more sleep and thankfully, mercifully, and quite unexpectedly I fell back into a deep slumber and stayed that way…